Marco Joosten: All about the bout


Marco Joosten’s lifelong martial arts journey has taken him from Karate Kid to Muay Thai Man. Having spent most of his life as a martial arts practitioner, the 26 year-old fitness coach first dipped his toes into the arena at the tender age of 5. Since his childhood beginnings, Marco has put a combined 21 years of Karate and Muay Thai experience under his belt, with 20 Kumite and 10 professional Muay Thai bouts to show for it.

Going by the numbers, Marco certainly isn’t a man to be trifled with. But, hard-hitters often have softer sides, too. Marco packs a punch in the ring, but he also gets a kick out of kitchen time, whipping marvellous Marinaras up.

This week, Marco tells us how he takes on fitness, fighting and food.


What’s keeping you busy these days?

Lately, I've been keeping myself busy working at Ground Zero. Always trying to template an awesome workout for the members. And, honestly, nothing feels better than a member letting me know that they’ve had an awesome and challenging workout after their class. On the side, I’m busy working on my very own bootcamp starting soon. On my off-peak hours, I try to stay as active as possible, be it grinding in the gym, outdoor circuits, or even hiking out in the nature.

What are your usual workouts? Any activities you particularly enjoy, in and out of the gym/studio?

I love working out in general, and there are so many different workouts to do. There are many aspects in fitness, and I believe that we have to be "flexible" enough to tap into them all.


Sounds corny, I know, but think about it: could you really consider yourself "fit" if you are able to bench press 200kg, but wind up breathless from a 5 minute run, or vice versa? I personally enjoy Muay Thai and Boxing because of their major demand for explosive power, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. A beautiful cocktail of energy systems combined into a single sport.

What is your favourite boxing combination?

My favourite boxing combination?
Ugh, so hard to choose! There are an infinite number combinations and they are all beautiful when executed the right way. But, if I had to choose a particular one, I guess it would a jab, cross, slip to the right, right uppercut. Short, simple, effective.

Tell us about your tattoos! Which is your favourite?

Yeah, I've got a few tattoos, a few more on the way. Don't tell my mom though!

My favourite tattoo is my very first one — it has a long back story to it, but to summarise the piece, it means "no worries, be happy.” In life, no matter the route we take, there will always, undoubtedly be setbacks and upsets. But, we must always remember: when one door closes, two more open. Everything happens for a reason.

Favorite meal? (cheat or otherwise)

Food? Where?? Haha! Oh my, I love food so much!

I'm vegan, so my meals are all plant based. I’ll have to say pasta feeds my soul the most though, home-made linguine marinara in particular.

To me, the dish is so much more than just “noodles with tomato sauce and shrimp”. The way the linguine dances around the fork, as I spin and twirl it. A dance of seduction. And then, she lands on my tongue, the burst of flavours from the fresh tomatoes and Italian parsley, so playful in my mouth as they combine in a heavenly mix with the saltiness from the cheesy flakes of the nutritional yeast (an awesome replacement for cheese).

Just as you think life can't get any better, no animals were hurt or abused in the making of this amazing meal. Life is beautiful!