Lala Dy Buncio: The Mom "Hour of Power" Campaign
In our Mom “Hour of Power” Series, we ask moms how they would choose to restore, refresh and reset their day in an hour of power. In this second installment, we profile Lala Dy Buncio, a fitness trainer and owner of Machita Activewear.
Pour all of yourself into your responsibilities, and you could end up losing yourself. But, sometimes, it takes getting lost to find your footing again.
“I lost my identity when I became a mom. All of a sudden, I didn’t want to work anymore, all I wanted was to be a mom,” says Lala, fitness trainer and owner of Machita Activewear.
Motherhood had proved to be an overwhelmingly heavy responsibility for Lala — so much so that she began to drop everything else in her life for it. To make matters worse, she stopped attending to her own needs, and she found herself spending most of that time consumed by motherhood.
“When you feel guilty for not attending to your child, you end up not doing anything for yourself,” she recounts. Fortunately, Lala didn’t stay paralysed for long. After starting her activewear business, she realised that self-care was equally important. With her renewed business interests driving her forward, Lala gradually overcame her guilt and pursued her passions whilst tackling the challenge of raising her child.
“When you work for your passion, you are willing to go the extra mile, and my advice is to remember to take care of yourself too.” These days, she makes sure to work out at least twice a week uninterrupted (she’s picked up barre as a new hobby, after discovering a new barre studio she loves), and includes her child in her routine by involving him in small tasks and errands as she works.
“Nothing fills my cup more than motherhood, but work fulfils me in a similar way. And neither working moms nor stay-home moms should ever feel guilty for their choices,” she asserts.
With the mission of Machita, Lala has created a line to inspire women to move, and move they should.